Flexible Start Time
in progress
Not just customers. Team members also when re-assigning, booking in the "backend" etc
What the status on this? Any timeline? Pretty critical for one of mye clients 🤞
Ehsan Khakbaz
in progress
We are actively developing this feature request. So you can offer the services in flexible start times, in 15, 30 and one hour increments. This makes the booking most flexible for customers.
Stay tuned for when it's ready in Beta! Remember, voters are the first batch of customers who will be invited to try the beta version.
Ehsan Khakbaz
Ehsan Khakbaz
Merged in a post:
Custom or Dynamic Block Time Booking
Randy Panté
A bit hard to explain but have the client choose in between timeslots to create a new timeslot.
So for example, if the blocks are only available every hour and the duration is one hour, have the ability to schedule for 12:30 instead of 12 or 1.